
Jude Scott

This page plays the Art Don't Pay song
Hangtown Album

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Lyrics to Art Don't Pay

I'm gonna wake at dawn, put my work clothes on
Gonna drive across town just to mow another lawn.
Put a dollar in the meter, run the weed-eater
The faucet goes drip drip drip

Talk to me a while, I'll tell you what I'll do
Drive another mile, and haul a bag of poo.
You got to pay me now or I'm gonna have a cow
everyone is always talking chit chit chit

I need a bag of money, no it isn't funny,
Just another one, he don't know what to do.
He going to sleep all day, cuz art don't pay
You made me wait too long, you'd better run along
The clock on the wall is going tick tick tick

I wrote another song, would you like to play along?
It goes lick lick lick

but you got to make the money or you'll get no honey
All my credit cards are going sick! sick! sick!

Gonna throw a party, oh we party hearty
(hardly) everyone can come
But you got to bring your own beer
or you'll drink alone here
It's B.Y.O!

Singing in the shower for a half an hour, karaoke don't pay.
Banging on the trashcans, sifting through the ashcans
all they used to say is, "Music don't pay!"

Knocking on the door
Banging on the door
Beating on the door
Kicking in the door!

All you to do is go around the back
cuz no one here can hear you.
Tell you, "What the hell,
Why not ring the bell?"

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