Hangtown Album

Jude Scott - Hangtown Album

This page plays the El Dorado County Fair song

Down the road a ways from the empty bedbug mine
I met a Spanish girl who spoke in pantomime
in the big green field that ain't so green this time of year
at the El Dorado County Fair, remember everyone was there.

Before the show began the band began to play
They did all the same tunes they did the other day
But nothing ever happens til later in the day
at the El Dorado County fair
sure you find all your friends are there.

Now I see your face again, after all these years
If I would have stayed I could have saved some tears
I know you will forgive me, it's something friends can do
I will show you how I feel and make it up to you.
at the El Dorado County Fair,
at the El Dorado County Fair,
surely hope to see you there

The carnival is over,it's time for me to go
I'm just a singer in this dog and pony show.
I'll sleep with my guitar tonight and dream of going home
to the El Dorado County Fair, I pray to God I see you there
in the big green field that ain't so big and ain't so green this time of year
the El Dorado County Fair
December everyone is there

more Jude Scott songs:

  1. Hangtown Walk
  2. El Dorado County Fair
  3. Downtown Lover
  4. Art Don't Pay
  5. Looking Like That
  6. Fire in Your Heart
  7. Waiting While You're Thinking
  8. Just a Crime
For a higher quality recording please purchase the CD

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